Still Standing
Independence did not come easy – or cheaply, for that matter. Early on, Petra did what she could to scavenge vitae for
pieces of fiction
Independence did not come easy – or cheaply, for that matter. Early on, Petra did what she could to scavenge vitae for
It had taken some time for her to grow accustomed to being known as Petra, simply because she had been born with
“Need….me…” she gasped, desperately trying to pry the hands that grasped her throat away, to at least loosen them, so she could
It had not been the most ideal situation to finder herself in, she knew. There was little she could do about her
[PROMPT] A character is kidnapped. Who kidnapped them and why? What happens to them? Petra was tired. There had been a rash
Alcaeus was an Athenian aristocrat, residing in the city of Athens, Greece in times long past. He married sometime in his late
Petra mulled over the conversation she’d just had with her sire as she headed out to hunt. She was happy he’d finally
Easily, Petra was less stressed. She had honestly expected a lot more resistance from the guys than what had been given her.
It was near dawn when they had finished, the pulls of sleep claiming them both. Well, at least it was starting to
*Note: Takes place the evening we have yet to do, the same evening Ash arrives in town “How’d the talk with Brandon