
Asami saw Jasper to the door, then headed to find Dave. She took his hand and gave a tug, indicating for him to follow her. She wished she had at least some of his buzz right about now, but truthfully, she just wanted to rest. To rest, and be held. Opening the door to the room they shared, she wandered over to what she had started considering her side of the bed, taking off her clothes while Dave closed the door behind them.

Bending over, she picked up her rave clothes and tossed them into a hamper before removing her bra and hunting up a comfortable, oversized shirt and headed back to the bed, crawling under the covers and waiting for Dave to get settled before she threw and arm around him and snuggled close.

Dave responded by putting an arm around her, lightly running his hand across her back in an effort to comfort her, though she couldn’t help but flinch.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked, worry in his voice.

“No…it doesn’t hurt.” she said, reassuring him with a kiss. “I think it’s just my body reacting to the memory of being short.”

“You sure you’re ok?”

“Yea. I’m just exhausted on all kinds of levels.”

Dave leaned in an kissed her. “Love you.”

She responded by squeezing him tight, and burying her face against him. They laid there in silence, only the various noises of the house filtering in through the closed door until she heard Dave’s breathing change as he fell asleep, his arm still loosely around her.

She shifted, trying to get more comfortable. Every time she closed her eyes, however, all she could see what the horror she had witnessed earlier in the day. Her dad  had been right – shifters were dangerous. One only had to look at the slaughter the werewolves committed on the mortals that had been present at the scene earlier in the day. Moreover, their disregard of innocents; of people who were just trying to flee.

Attempting to think of anything else didn’t help. As soon as she tried to think more pleasant thoughts, the thought of what she could have been subject to via the Duke, what could have happened with the fae gang Danny stupidly agreed to join, and, worst of all, ways the fight with the wyrm could have gone wrong.

Try as she might, she just couldn’t sleep because of the thoughts. She sat up and looked over at Dave. He was still sound asleep, and she didn’t want to wake him if she didn’t have to. Still…she didn’t want to be alone, either. Quietly, she got up and opened her bedroom door and listened for a moment before heading to Sayuri and Tony’s room.

She raised her hand, and was about to knock, when she paused. She shook her head, and lowered her hand. Sayuri was too emotionally distraught right now, and could benefit more from Tony’s love than trying to be there for Asami herself, she felt. Hugging herself, she thought for a few. She had resolved to wake Dave up, when she happened to remember Billy making a comment that he didn’t usually sleep. Figuring it couldn’t hurt, she headed for his room, and lightly knocked.

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