Billy headed home from his “date” the events of it playing back in his mind. The shot ringing out, the crowd running and screaming. It was kind of a blur. Him and Witcher had hit it off, they were having a good time. Then things got serious, She asked him about joining up. Then the gunfire started.
He trudged along the street, shuffling in his skates, unsure where else to go, the houses on either side of him looking normal, through the rain that had started, but he knew nothing was normal anymore, it hadn’t been for a while. How many of these seemingly normal houses contained monsters? Freaks? Mages, werewolves or other things? How much of this world was not what it appeared to be. He remembered the blood. There was so much, it was dripping down his arms and covering his shirt, he didn’t want to think about that. He continued onward, His mind wandering again, a haze of adrenaline & fear, unable to concentrate and focus, he had to push forward. He felt weak, tired, his arms were heavy, but he had to make it.
He was definitely going to join up after this, he had to. The stakes were high, he got that now. He’d tell the others of course, but he wouldn’t be able to tell them everything he did after that. He’d have a home life, a work life, and a secret life, and that secret life would have to stay secret, for their safety.
So much blood, people running, and screaming, the gunfire pouring out of a man’s arm, only he wasn’t a man. He was a robot of sorts. Like out of terminator. Hitting the ground hard. The pain. He shuffled on, he had to. He neared his destination and his head swam, things were blurry, he felt unsteady, almost dizzy, but he had to make it.
The door was only about 50 feet away now, almost there, He stumbled. He regained his footing ,but he couldn’t stop, He was afraid if he stopped he wouldn’t be able to start moving again. He shuffled along, fighting with all his strength, all his will. He finally made it, He kicked on the door, and it opened.
Machiko had been watching a Movie with Hiroshi when she heard the knock. They hadn’t been expecting anyone, and who would be out in this rain anyway? It was pouring. She opened the door, and there stood billy, crying holding a lifeless body in his arms, covered in her blood “Help her, please” he said, before collapsing on the porch