So, he wasn’t disappointed. I’ll backtrack. Donovan just left my room, having come to talk to me about the letter I left him, asking to move out. He said that it seemed like such a little thing for a reward, and that he’d always said we were free to leave at any time. He only asked that if I did leave, I train whomever would replace me as Head of Household, and take the third drink from him. I am leery of that, but agreed to it…however he had counter proposals as well.
He wants me to stay, and it sounds like he’s willing to do anything to get me to do so. To keep a longish story short, I told him I need my space, and I don’t want to be involved in any more killings, but that I would stay. He then asked what I did want as a reward, and I said my books selling better would be nice. There was talk of moving into a bigger place, but I don’t know what or if anything will come of that.
Tomorrow night I’ll be surprised. Oh…and he asked if I was attracted to him, and when I admitted as such, he said all I had to do was ask.
I don’t even know how to begin to think about that. One things for sure, I wouldn’t have to worry about him getting me pregnant.
What am I saying?!?! Again!
Ugh. I’m going to bed. Goodnight.