[Masqtober] Day Six: Baron

Jakob’s barony was not exactly a large one, but he ran it effectively, and had been doing so for several years now. Once upon a time, he’d had the help of a pack in running things, but now was not that time. Now, he had the help of Avery, his centuries-long friend, but even then, Avery was content to stick to his baking and other hobbies, and Jakob didn’t like to bother him. 

Jakob believes in the Staus Perfectus’s message, but carrying out order and discipline in a barony was difficult. Go too far in one direction, and you may as well be Camarilla. Go too far in the other direction, and you might as well call yourself Sabbat. So he tried to keep it simple – his main rule was “Don’t fuck up”. 

Kindred within the barony were expected to maintain the masquerade, and they were expected to solve their own disputes. Occasionally he had to step in to solve an issue, or sometimes they would come to him for judgement, fearing that solving their dispute might count as a breach of the masquerade. 

Tonight, however, was different. Tonight he was sending out volunteers to different parts of the country to spread the word of the Movement, potentially recruit, and liberate the oppressed if need be. Desperately, he wanted to be a part of this, but realistically, he didn’t think he could. Responsibility sucks he thought, and then he sighed, closing his eyes.  

Maybe it was time for Avery to take a turn running things for a while. He was beginning to feel his wanderlust anyway, and keeping up with their contacts, as well as spreading the message, was more important. Still, the change in leadership might destabilize things.

Sighing, he went to talk to Avery, in order to get an opinion. Things would either work out, or they wouldn’t – but it didn’t hurt to have an extra opinion.

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