Samuel had been having a rough time of it recently.
He didn’t like too much competition, this was true. But for all that, he wasn’t unwilling to share with Jasper – the right terms just had to be offered, and they hadn’t. So much like a spoiled child, he was plotting revenge. It was well deserved after he learned that somehow, his likeness had ended up on the sex offender registry. Well then. Two could play at this game.
His host had been a chemistry major at UNLV, and he designed a potent new drug to distribute through the various underground and club scenes. The crowning achievement to this, of course, was the symbol that the little bags of pills were stamped with: a stick figure devil in a green suit.
If life could be made hell for him, then life could be made hell for Jasper, too. Next step was to try and get in good with those closest to him. He already had the confidence of Vince, who hated Jasper and called him a demon. Well, he wasn’t too far off, in that regard. He thought he might start with this Marcus person, and perhaps even go so far as to meddle with little miss Trish.
Yes, he knew who she was, had an idea of her heritage, and knew Jasper had an interest in her, though what exactly that interest was, he couldn’t say.
He nodded to himself, as he discreetly gave stock of the drug to the dealers in town to pass out, promising them he wasn’t interested in profits – only that he wanted people to have a ripping good time. This accomplished, he returned to where he was staying, and waited for things to play out.