Mihai’s Guest

Mihai looked out off the porch of his home to his family, gathered at a central location in the trailer park, having a barbecue and generally laughing and having fun. Children ran, playing imaginary games, riding bikes or playing with some sports ball or another. His family seemed content, and that made Mihai happy.

He turned his thoughts towards his extended family – his ghouls, in other words. He had been waiting for Timur and Sergei to make a decision, but he could be patient a while longer, especially now that he needed to seek permission. He wasn’t sure he was likely to get it, being Ravnos and all. Prejudice against his clan was strong among a lot of vampire, and he wasn’t sure Marcus was any different.

He reached over next to him and picked up a piece of wood he’d been working on. There was no specific design idea in mind – it was just something to keep idle hands busy. He’d been at it a little while, wondering if it was taking the shape of a bear or something else, when he became aware of a presence in front of him.

“Yes?” he said, without looking up.

“You’re kind are known for causing trouble.” the voice said. “I want you to help me.”

Mihai looked up to see a man with dark hair and eyes, and studied him a moment before speaking. “You’ll have to be more specific.”

“I want you to help me cause unrest here.”

“Why would I ever do that? I don’t even know you.”

“Samuel.” he said, offering a hand. Mihai eyed it warily, but did not take it; he simply went back to working on the piece of wood in his hands.

“Samuel then.” Mihai said. “I still do not see why I should potentially put myself or my family in harm’s way simply for your amusement.”

“I can make it worth your while. Anything you want. Name it, and I’ll find a way to make it happen.”

Mihai was quiet a long time. He was not a fan of this Samuel’s method of approach, nor was he itching to make any kind of deal with him – especially when he didn’t know what he was. However, rather than risk offending him right away, he simply said “Give me time to think.”

“Very well then. I’ll be back by the end of the week to get your response.”

Mihai nodded, and watched as the man walked away. He needed to bring this to someone’s attention – he just needed to figure out who.

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