Mandy looked at her phone after Charles dropped her off and sighed. She was due to check in with her Dad. It wasn’t like it used to be when she was younger and had to check in every night, but she did try to call him at least once a week to let him know she was okay. She just hoped he wouldn’t be in panic mode if she were a little late. She put her purse down and worked on microwaving up some food she could poke at while she talked, and sat down with it before she dialed and put him on speaker.
“Hey sweetheart. A little late for you, isn’t it?” he answered.
“Sorry – needed to get some food before I called.” she replied.
“That’s okay. How’s school?” he asked.
“Dad, are you cleaning your gun?” she asked, after hearing a couple of clicks.
“… Maybe. You’re eating, so what does it matter?” he responded after a brief moment.
“Alright fair. Well, to remind you, I’m taking a break from school. I want to get some experience behind me before I apply to a school to work on my Master’s.” she said.
“Oh, that’s right. So what have you been doing?” he asked.
“Volunteer work mainly.” she said, “I help out at this outreach center, teaching music and helping out with kids’ homework – history and math mainly.”
“I thought you said you didn’t like kids?” he queried.
“I said I don’t know if I want any.” she retorted. “Besides, a lot of these kids aren’t all that bad once they warm up to you.”
“Are you…” he began.
“Being safe? Yes Dad. I tool self-defense clases, I have Mace, I’m good.”
“Alright pumpkin. Need anything? I mean other than your bills covered.” he asked.
“No. I mean…well…” she stumbled as she spoke.
“What is it?”
“Donations. The place needs some. If I give you the name and address, do you think you can drum up some between you and your work buddies or something?”
“Depends…” he began. “When’re you going to come visit?”
“Daaaad.” she sighed. “I’ve been out that way a few times as I can make it. It’s not my fault that you’ve been away for work when I was able to come out.”
“…That. Right. Sorry, kiddo.” he said, his tone more serious now.
“It’s alright, I’m…it’s okay.” she said, changing her wording. She’d been about to say she was used to it, to him being away, but she didn’t want to make him feel bad. “I finished eating, so I’m going to head to bed soon, ok?”
“Ok, hun. Have a good night.”
“You too, Daddy. Love you.” she said, before hanging up the phone.
Mandy looked at her plate and picked at the rest of her dinner until she was done, then cleaned up and headed to bed – but not before a call to sweet talk Michael and his Dad into a donation.