Chance had been restless the past couple of days, and Trish rightly guessed that it was due to the fact he felt like he should be working at the outreach center, so she gave him the blessing to go, promising that is she needed help, her and Emily’s guardians could step in and assist. He headed into the center that morning, and went right to his usual routine of checking up on the volunteers and anyone currently residing there before heading to the office and fielding phone calls and going through paperwork – the mundane stuff that needed to be done on time, that Charles was unable to do. He glanced up briefly when Blade came into the office via the secret door, a book in hand.
“Oh…didn’t know you were back. How’s it going, man?”
“Good. Was getting restless, so Trish told me to come to work.”
“How’s the baby?”
Here, Chance broke into a smile – he couldn’t help it. “She’s doing great. Healthy, happy, well loved – can’t ask for more than that.”
“No, not really. Hey, listen. Um…I have a question or two. ”
“You done rounds yet?”
“Yea, why?”
“There’s a new guy here, Lucius…”
“What about him?”
“Well…we have a past.”
“You not get along?”
“No, it’s not that…we both went to the same school. Both of us also dated Mandy at the same time. Guy’s had it rough – parents are cultists, and he snapped, mentally.”
“Wait….this the guy that tried to kill her?”
Blade nodded. “That was after he broke, mentally. He’s more lucid, on meds now, and doesn’t remember any of what he did.”
“Why bring any of this up?”
“Well,” he began “I think he should have a chance to apologize. But, because Claude is Claude, someone should probably advocate for him. I thought maybe you’d have some ideas.”
“I can see why you’re worried about Claude. I can see how you’d think he deserves a second chance. As for an advocate, I don’t know. Charles would probably have better ideas than I do. Then again, Michael might be able to convince Mandy to hear him out.”
“It’s not Mandy I’m worried about though.”
“That’s a volatile situation, admittedly.” Chance leaned back and sighed. “Without dragging his domitor into it, or hers, for that matter, the best route is probably to talk to Charles. We can talk to him this evening. I’d offer to do it, but I don’t know Lucius’ story, and I don’t know that my word would carry much weight with him. I mean, I only know him from poker and barbecue nights.”
“No problem. I just appreciate that you were willing.”
“Why come to me in the first place?”
“Well…um…that is..”
“Just say it, man.”
“You have seniority over me, is what it boils down to. I mean, I know Charles says he doesn’t put one of us over the other and doesn’t play favorites, but the bond says otherwise.”
“It’s okay man. You or me or both can talk to him later – after h’es had a chance to wake up and settle in though. Fair?”
“Fair.” Blade said, offering a hand to Chance. Chance took it, and the two shook briefly.
“I’m off to study.”
“Does Michael know Lucius is here?”
“I don’t think so? I don’t know, I haven’t really seen Michael. I honestly think he just does his LGBT groups and works at Nightborne…between the two, he isn’t here much.”
“Hopefully he doesn’t put up a stink w hen he finds out. Alright, go. Come back around an hour after sunset and you can advocate for Lucius to Charles. Sound good?”
“Sounds good man.Thanks, by the way.”
“Hey, you’re getting redeemed…maybe not in their eyes but you are. Sounds like he deserves a chance at redemption too.”
Blade gave Chance a small wave as he headed out of the office.