Jakob’s Lament

So much has happened recently, what with the revelation of the book Zelios gave us, and other such matters. Sister Esperanza left us to pursue matters of faith and her heart, but sent us a lovely letter recently, reminding us that she loved us. In her stead, a new vampire has joined us, by the name of Ileana. She’s a curious youngling, consistently getting on my nerves by rearranging my library or mishandling my books – but I try to let it slide, for the sake of education. We’ve done more to help seal Kupala at Zelios’ request, and for better or worse, we’ve befriended Vlad the Impaler.

None of that is what keeps pricking at the back of my mind however. For what reason I know not, but it bothers me, somewhat severely, that Avery would have sexual relations with Vlad, after purporting to be interested in me. Why does it vex me so? I know not, and I’m not sure I want to discover the whys behind it at this time. I don’t foresee me permanently leaving the company of my coterie, so I’m sure I’ll discover my problems with the matter eventually.

Still….it’s quite the vexing issue.

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