Trish had enjoyed her time out with John and helping him shop. He seemed to like her, at least well enough to try and date. At least…she hoped it was that, She sighed a little as she locked her front door shortly after getting home. The apartment felt very….empty. It lacked any pets, though she had a few plants here and there. Turning on a few small lights, she grabbed a small snack from the fridge and sat on the couch to find something to watch, trying not to overthink John.
Doubt was creeping in hardcore, however. John was very nice, and very grateful for her help; this was true. But asking her for a date? Was it because he actually liked her, or because he felt obligated? She didn’t like the idea of being used by a guy again. John isn’t Hunter, she told herself. She had to remind herself of this a few times as she worked her way through a few episodes of Supernatural. Turning her thinking towards her date that weekend, she wondered what John had in mind, then just said a small prayer to whomever was listening that things with John wouldn’t turn into a disaster.
Feeling a little better, she got absorbed into the show, jumping when her phone’s notification noise went off. It was an email from some of her professors about her classwork, so she took a few minutes to respond, explaining that she was changing her major at some point, then set the phone down. The binge mood spoiled, she switched the tv off and decided to take a bath before turning in for the evening. While not the biggest fan of her apartment’s tub, she was still able to soak for a bit, and felt more relaxed than she had previously. She lounged for a bit, doing some light reading before she got tired, and headed to bed.