The Education of Petra v12

It took some time before Petra got responses โ€” in fact, she was having dinner out on her own at a small bistro she knew of. She was in the outdoor seating area, enjoying the evening atmosphere but ignoring most who would try to talk to her beyond basic courtesy. She was preparing to reach for her wallet to leave a cash tip as she finished her drink, when her phone went off, with an individual response from Vince, rather than comments in the group text sheโ€™d made.ย 

I have a great idea, you may or may not like it, but you said you’re willing to try here it goes. We’re going to go camping, my way. A couple night out, under the stars, no fancy “glamping” shit, just you, me, and a few quiet moments together, that’s all I want.

Petra smiled. She expected as much of a response from Vince. He’d always been more of the outdoorsy, nomadic, simple kind of guy, and that was part of why she loved him. He was just….simple, yet even so there seemed to be depths to him that continued to surprise her. Even hints of the feral young man she’d so confused all those years ago. With a smile, she texted him back.

That sounds lovely. I can’t promise how much I’ll love it, but I’ll love the quiet time alone with you for sure ๐Ÿ™‚ I may have been living a life of luxury for a long time, but that doesn’t mean I’m spoiled (I hope), or that I’ve forgotten simple pleasures. Love you, and looking forward to it.

Thinking things over after responding to Vince, she waited to make the tip, and flagged down a waited to order a nice, decadent dessert. Fitting then that, when she took that last bite of that small, sinful dessert, she should receive her response from Brandon.

Interesting. I of course have to cross a couple items of my wish list as you’ve precluded them as options. That being said however, a good deal of what I enjoy you would probably find fairly boring. It is difficult for me to find much enjoyment in mundane things, as I’ve been around long enough to have done it all before. I will however, endeavor to come up with something that we might both enjoy.

She sighed and smiled a little. She knew Brandon especially would learn more towards sex, since he often found pleasure in the act, as well as tempting others. Still, it surprised her that he thought she might find his interests boring (which could potentially be true, she understood), and she could understand why mundane things might bore him. He had, after all, been active since Rome. Sucking the last remnants of gooey deliciousness off her spoon, she then texted him back.

I didn’t mean to be difficult. I just honestly want to spend time with you, doing something you enjoy. Not only that, but I’m open to suggestion, and I feel that maybe there are some things about you I don’t really know or understand, because one of us has been keeping the other at bay for so long. You could teach me something for all I care – as long as I’m sharing a part of you/spending time with you.

She tucked her phone away after clicking send, then left a reasonably generous tip at her table before leaving to head she didn’t know where yet. Home eventually, yes, but for now some more contemplative thought, she felt, and for that, what better place than the beach? Even if moonlit, it would still be nice to walk barefoot in the sand and just think.

There was a reasonable expectation from what Vince wanted, but of course that could come with its own surprises. Brandon was surprisingly difficult, and she didn’t understand why he wasn’t able to come up with something. Still, she didn’t know him as well as he knew himself, and they’d only recently redefined their relationship anyway. Most of all, her time alone with them would be a reprieve, a vacation from the likes of tracking down and dealing with Alaric, Xanthe, or Prokopios, though Alaric was the big threat in this regard.

She still too wanted to help Emilio and Kida. They couldn’t truly be together unless Brandon’s bloodline continued, and she didn’t know what he had in mind – just that he’d asked if a childe he sired would help. When he’d said that, she had concerns that he would embrace her – which was something she still wasn’t sure she wanted. She could be and do more as she was, she felt, though she also understood that she was limited. Complicating the matter further, she felt that being embraced by Brandon would somehow put a wedge between her and Vince. Grumbling, she shook her head hard to brush the thoughts from her mind.

“The cobwebs aren’t always kind, are they?” came a voice from nearby.

“Excuse me?” she asked, suddenly on alert.

“The cobwebs.” he said, gesturing to his temple. He then got up, and walked over toward her. “You aren’t a Child of Madness, but the cobwebs? They are everywhere.” he then looked around and up to the night sky before speaking again, softly. “I find that the butterflies help.”

Petra studied him for a moment, carefully tapping into her ability to read auras in an effort to study him, only to have it confirm what she already suspect. “You are a child of Malkav?”

“Indeed.” he said with a sweeping bow. “A prophet and madman, at your service.”

“I didn’t ask for a prophet.” she said.

“No one ever listens to a Cassandra.” he lamented. “Nevertheless, I can be a useful bug.”

“How is that?” she asked.

“There are the messages, and the messengers, and the smoke hiding the wolves.” he said.

She sighed. “Are you only capable of talking in enigmas?”

“Spoilsport.” he said, sticking his tongue out at her. “My name is Robert Chase, and yes, I’m a Malkavian. No, I don’t have designs on your domitor, or any of your friends. I just go where the voices and visions tell me.”

“You mentioned Cassandra…is anyone in danger?”

He tilted his head, as though listening to the breeze. “No, no trouble that I sense. I just see that you need a friend. A confidant, if you will.”

“I have friends.” she said.

“Mortal ones, yes. Lovers of Caine’s sword. Revenant relative. But you can’t talk to your lovers, your friends can’t know, and your relative can’t understand your experiences, having not had enough themselves.” he explained.

“So you’re offering?”

“Indeed.” he replied. “I won’t force your hand, I’m not like that.” he shrugged. “I just like to help. Well, that, and I could use a friend of my own. Lately, my own demons haunt me, and being alone in crowded affairs is lonelier than being alone.”

“That’s something I can understand. Alright, Robert was it?” he nodded.

“We’ll meet a few more times. I’ll give you a chance.” she said.

“Fair enough shake.” he said, offering his hand, clasping her hand firmly when she took it, before letting it go, leaving behind a card with his number. “We’ll talk more, then let your instinct evaluate. You should have a good idea of me by then.” he then turned around and left, whistling Somewhere Over The Rainbow as he went.

“Weird.” she muttered, but headed home, her previous thoughts largely driven out of her head. Time could only tell what would be made of Robert.

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