Jett Wolfe: Introspection

Never thought I’d see the day Marcus would not only let me go, but have me removed from his presence. For getting that accomplished, I have to thank Vince; I should also probably thank him for bringing Brandon to town. I know I’m not supposed to get attached or fall for the guy (or any vampire, really) – but it can hardly be helped when I’m happy with the man, for the first time in a long time. I don’t know what it is, exactly – I could just pinpoint the sex, which is great, but I think there might be more? – but I have fun with the guy; feel good about myself.
I’ve been encouraged to race again – even been gifted a car on the condition I do so. It’s something I’m looking forward to. For now I need to find ways to get together entrance fees – that’ll take some time, and I’m determined to do it myself if at all possible, though my pockets aren’t as deep as some. Additionally, I’ve been encouraged to go back to school. I wouldn’t know what I’d study – I don’t want to do easy stuff I already know; school should be about learning the things you don’t know.
So my goals: look into going back to school, earn entry fees for racing and do that more. Oh, and try not to fall too hard. Just keep in mind he’s a vampire, and they’re a fickle lot.
Oh, and maybe quit smoking.

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