Asami sat up off the hard floor, unable to sleep. She looks next to her and smiles softly – Tony is sleeping, and she never knew just how sweet he looked in his most vulnerable state. She leaned over, gently brushing his dark hair away from his face, and kissed his cheek. A part of her felt badly, that their fist night alone together, sleeping, wasn’t in a more comfortable situation. But with it being a brand-new house there was no furniture yet, so there was very little that she could do as far as comfort went.
Quietly, carefully, she got up and moved over toward the window, looking out into the night. It seemed so lonely here – the grounds were spacious, so no neighbors – and very little in the way of unnatural light to block the glories of the sky beginning ti lighten with the dawn.
It was always a breathtaking sight. Still, in need of something to do, she walked back into the room, over to her backpack and opened it, carefully extracting her on-the-go art kit from it – a sketchpad and some good pencils (colored and regular), and necessary erasers. She sat, facing the window, and sketched what she saw, for as long as it chose to stay visible to her. Daylight can be a fickle thing, just as dusk and twilight can be – all too fleeting.
When the rainbow hues began to lighten even further, she stretched, and closed the large book. There was a lot on her mind, and she was in a drawing mood now, so she put away the larger book for a smaller one – one that she often used for manga style drawing. She ran a hand over the crisp, clean page and sharpened her pencil, making the first panel of a manga, beginning to tell the story of a girl thrown into a world she never knew existed. It was, of course, her life, but no one would believe the tales, and who knew? Maybe she could do manga if her fashion career didn’t work out.
Tony began to stir after awhile and she froze, then quickly put her sketchpad away, and tucked her pencils and erasers back into their case, and back into the backpack everything went before his eyes were opened. She was unsure why she was always so nervous about letting others see her manga style work, but she was – maybe afraid of being branded otaku, having seen the stigma it placed on others back in Japan. Maybe some day….
She pulled out her phone instead then, heading to her blog and switching it from and English interface to a Japanese one, to begin writing her thoughts about specific people and situations – something she’d touched upon briefly in previous, private posts, but nothing had been touched upon in a long while for her friends back in Tokyo to read up on, and she wanted to try and keep them up to speed on her life as well. She planned to go back someday, to visit them all…but now wasn’t the time to write with them in mind. Now was a time to reflect.
So with an air of wistfulness and nostalgia about her, she began to type.
Where do I begin? So much needs to be expounded upon. I mean, look at what has happened to me in the last two weeks alone! My life has gone from stable and happy (save for “it”), to chaotic and unpredictible, seemingly overnight. So how do I begin to sort through my thoughts and make sense of everything, especially after the past two nights? All I can think of is to is write, person to person, sitation to situation, and try to put together the pieces. Again, this post is private, becuase I can’t reasonably share it with anyone without being branded in a negative context. So, let’s begin with the person to person, becore the situations. I think that’s best, don’t you?
David Lin – My tiger’s best friend, and by default probably mine as well. At least until recently. David’s always been around too, come to think of it. Would I have ended up with David if he had approached me first? I don’t know…but thinking about I sure as hell flirt with him a lot. Hmm….
Jenica Jenkins – New into my life, she’s a fun person, I like being around her. Quickly having taken place as my best female friend. I think maybe i tried pushing her into a situation (with David and Vince) that I wanted to find myself in with Tony and…well…I don’t know. Alright, it’s a lie. I think I do know who else I’d love to have a romp with, and it isn’t Vince, contrary to what tonight’s (last night’s) activities may have proven. I also think I want some more, shall we say, fun? with Jenica…and just Jenica. Well…maybe not just her…maybe Tony and David too. Hell, I think I just want to torment those poor boys. It sounds cruel, but it’s entertaining, and it’s not like they never get rewarded for putting up with us. Me. You know what I mean. Note to self: Dig up some of my jpop vids to show Jen, specifically Koda Kumi’s Shake It, and suggest performing the routine for the boys.
Vincent Dracmore – This guy….not entirely sure what to think of him. I like him for his apparent honesty, although I don’t know as much about him as Jenica does. Still, she seems to trust him, so I’ll throw my lot in with him as well, at least for now. I’ll not let him put me or my family in any danger if I have any say about the matter. I suppose I do technically have him to blame for my new health plan, but oh well.
Donovan Westchester – He seems okay, and so far his stories check out. I’m not overly fond of some of what he does, but at least it’s consensual, yes? I don’t want to trust him, however. He knew about me before I ever knew about him, because of my father and where he works. I don’t like how he treats Ben – I keep getting reminded of stories of genies and cruel masters. It’s going to backfire on him.
Ben ? – When I first met him, I wanted to like the guy for the sake of making the job easier. It was hard, becuase he was crass and rude, though mostly to Donovan. When Donovan informed Jenica and I that he was a demon, I didn’t flinch – it was more disbelief than anything. When Donovan continued and told us how Ben was essentially a slave and had to do his bidding, as he was the one who had summoned him, I felt pity, and resolved to try harder to be more of a friend when I saw him again. When I saw him reading to the children at the shelter, I knew there was another side of him, and got to see some of this side after I had told him I wasn’t there to order him around. He gave me something I don’t think anyone else ever really could – a free-flight. No plane, no machine, no parachute…just him and his wings. It was curiously intimate and exhilerating all at once, and when it ended I didn’t want it to be over. I wanted to do more than peck him on the cheek, admittedly. But I refrained, out of respect for him and love for Tony. I would love to have that feeling again. Hell…..I’d love to have him and Tony together. I don’t know what I’d do then, but I would hopefully enjoy it, and so would they.